Dawson 230
Dawson 230
Min. Frontage: 14m

*Build Price only. Land additional.
Home inclusions:
- 230m2 Brick Home
- 4 Bedrooms
- 1 Bathroom + Ensuite
- Media Room
- Open Plan Kitchen and Living
- Walk in Pantry
- 2 x Split System Air Conditioning Units
- Ceiling Fans Throughout
- Stone Benchtops
- 90cm Westinghouse Appliances
- Quality Fixtures and Fittings
- Double Car Garage
- Security Screens
- Alarm System
- Gas Instant Hot Water
- Landscaping
- Fencing and Mailbox
- Exposed Aggregate Driveway
- Exposed Aggregate Concrete
- And so much more!
*Subject to change without notice. Information and prices are correct at the time of publication.
^Terms & conditions apply. Visit hwww.desirehomes.com.au for details.
Builder: Desire Homes